Strong growth in the still-nascent markets of the Philippines ( 21 per cent) and Vietnam ( 73 per cent) does little to offset the overall weakness because these countries account for a small fraction of the market. 仍然处于起步阶段的菲律宾(21%)和越南(73%)市场的强劲增长,对于抵消整体市场疲软作用很小,因为它们只占东盟市场的一小部分。
Yet there is an offset in that the reduced import bills of China and other big consumers of energy and raw materials will tend to increase their current account surpluses. 然而,与此形成抵消的是,中国和其它能源以及原材料消费大国的进口额会相应减少,这往往会扩大其经常账户盈余。
Investment in the US continues to offset a large current account deficit. 流向美国的投资继续抵消着巨额经常账户赤字。
Today, it is the collapse in the ability of US households and those of a few other high-income countries to offset the vast current account surpluses generated by China, Germany, Japan and oil-exporting countries. 今天则是美国和少数其它高收入国家家庭抵消中国、德国、日本和石油输出国产生的巨额经常账户盈余的能力土崩瓦解。
It is a path on which the fiscal deficits needed to offset persistent current account deficits, and collapsing private spending in external deficit countries, continue indefinitely. 沿着这条道路走下去,就需要无限期地用财政赤字来抵消持续的经常账户赤字,以及在有外部赤字的国家抵消崩溃中的私人支出。
I am saying that if peripheral Europe is to improve its external accounts, either Germany must offset some part of this, or the current account of the eurozone itself must shift towards surplus, with adverse impacts on the fragile world economy. 我说的是,如果欧洲边缘国家要改善其外部账户,那就必须要么由德国抵消一部分盈余,要么让欧元区的经常账户自身转向盈余,而这将对脆弱的全球经济带来不利影响。
Because of channel distortion and carrier frequency offset, both adaptive equalization and carrier recovery should be taken into account for high-order quadrature amplitude modulation ( QAM) demodulation. 高阶QAM解调时,由于信道失真以及载波频偏相互影响,自适应均衡与载波恢复需要同时考虑。
The speed 、 size 、 power was common factor considered in the design, in addition, the specification of data-decision circuit design, such as: operation speed range, sensitivity of decision, phase margin and output phase offset, was taken into account. 在设计中不仅要考虑速度、面积、功耗等一些共性因素,还要考虑数据判决电路设计的指标:工作速率范围、判决灵敏度、相位裕度、输出相位偏移等。
According to this algorithm, linear least square estimation is used to deduce phase offset parameters from pilot samples. It takes all the phase noise caused by sampling clock offset ( SCO) and carrier frequency offset ( CFO) into account. 该算法对接收导频样本进行最小二乘估计以获得相偏参数,算法综合考虑了抽样时钟偏移(SCO)和载波频偏(CFO)所引起的相位偏移。
The traditional frequency domain method has some limitations for integer frequency offset estimation, when the time error is taken into account. 整数倍频偏估计,传统的频域相关法有一定局限性,没有考虑到定时不准情况下的估计。
In this localization algorithm, the clock frequency offset of crystal oscillator in different chips was taken into account, and the location was calculated after converting time difference of arrived signal to the distance difference. 该定位算法考虑了不同芯片晶振之间的时钟频率偏移,通过将测量得到的信号到达时间差转换成节点之间的距离差,从而进行定位。